The Independent Technology Business Manfesto

We often hear stories that technology companies "must fundraise" in order to capture relevant market share and become leaders in their industry. This thinking originates from a time where technology companies needed large sums to get started, and then create a business that can scale at little marginal costs.

In the past few decades, however, the cost of starting an IT company has gone down significantly. Depending on the type of business, it's no longer necessary to invest large sums of capital to get a startup off the ground.

I advocate for abandoning the conventional thinking that starting a technology company can only be done with external investors; can only be done in a team; can only be done with exponential growth and a "move fast and break things" mindset.

To date, I have founded over four businesses in various categories from consulting to marketplaces, to SaaS across different countries. These experiences have led me to the realization that ultimately, what really makes me as a founder happy at heart, is a company with profound, long-term impact in the field it's active in, and the freedom to act in the best interest of both customers and the organization while being funded through cash flow.

Find below a list of eight core principles that I think are crucial for this type of business. They are not exhaustive and will be adapted over time after the initial release of this manifesto, just as markets, customer demands, and founder preferences adapt.

Core Principles

  1. Customer Focus: Prioritize customer needs in all decisions.
  2. Self-Funded Growth: Bootstrap to keep decision-making power.
  3. Founder-Led Decision-Making: Preserve the company's vision through founder-driven choices without external influence from VCs or other investors.
  4. Long-Term Strategy over Short-Term Gains: Prioritize sustainable growth over quick profits except if the company's survival is at risk.
  5. Quality Over Quantity: Focus on delivering exceptional value.
  6. Financial Discipline: Operate within your means, avoid unnecessary debt.
  7. Minimal Bureaucracy: Keep operations lean for quick decision-making.
  8. Personal Development: Invest in continuous learning for yourself and your team.